We can be contacted by emailing us at [email protected]
Or, call anytime H(315)874-4521 or C(315)775-6264
Our address is 6432 S. Chases Lake Road
Glenfield, NY 13343
Make checks out to me: Michele Widrick
We take any major credit card, debit card, personal checks, venmo, or paypal for $50 deposits to reserve your camping space, and stalls or paddocks. The $50 is totally refundable after camp cleanup inspection. I request all checks (personal, money order or bank check) mailed no less than 2 weeks ahead in full amount. Or use paypal (friends and family) or venmo to pay your total for your camping trip before arrival. Any reservation date can be moved to another date as long as there is room to accommodate you. Those who have paid in full by their 2 week notice, and need to cancel, will have their reservations payment refunded by check, or can switch to another date as long as it is 10 days before arrival. After 10 days to reservation date, there are no refunds but can be used up to one year from your original reservation dates reserved. No refunds after the year is up. $50 reservation hold date needs to be used that season. It is non refundable after season ends.
Reserve early! We fill up fast! Most who come every year reserve a year to 6 mos in advance!
Any $50 reservation fee applied to a date after Columbus day can be used to reserve a date the following year.
Reserve early! We fill up fast! Most who come every year reserve a year to 6 mos in advance!
Any $50 reservation fee applied to a date after Columbus day can be used to reserve a date the following year.